Celebrate your life today!
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Energy Healing
- Personal Empowerment
- Integrate your Inner Wisdom
- Gestalt Therapy
- Dreamwork
- Regressions
- Mindfullness
- Lifeskills
- Recall
- Quit Smoking
- Healthy Weight Loss
- Release Phobias
- Anxieties
- Increase Confidence
- Take back control of your life, now!
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that can produce extraordinary levels of relaxation of mind, body and emotions. Motivation, the ability to concentrate, to use your imagination and positive thinking will help you to be successful. Enjoy the contentment and peace that is a natural effect of hypnosis. We have access to the subconscious through hypnosis. Personal transformation occurs from a shift in the subconscious mind and comes from within you.
Sharon's ethics, experience, wisdom, compassion and intuitive nature will have you feeling welcome and relaxed. Sharon has been a resident of the South Lake Tahoe area for years.
Transformation Hypnotherapy is located in South Lake Tahoe, Stateline Nevada, doing business in Douglas County, at Kingsbury Station, 209 Kingsbury Grade Suite 2H (second floor).
Ordained Minister and Certified Officiant